A Company will have one or more Devices. Each Device will have one or more Backups Jobs. Each Job will have one or more Logs.


Assuming that you have a CleverFox Backup account, then the Company is you. The company is also where you access the Billing Portal to view statements and update your payment method.

  • Only an Account Owner can modify the Company Information or access the Billing Portal.


Are the people that can access your CleverFox Backup account.

  • Only an Account Owner can add or delete users.


Is the backup plan that you are currently signed up for.

  • A plan can be changed or canceled anytime.
  • Modifications can take effect immediately or at the next billing cycle.
  • Cancellations only take effect at the next billing cycle.
  • Only an Account Owner can cancel or change a plan.


Are the PCs that will be backed up.

  • Use the Download Agent button to download and install the CleverFox Backup Agent.


Is how you schedule a backup.

  • Every Job can have one or more items (i.e. Folders, Databases) that need to be backed up.
  • Every job has a schedule (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or One Time) when it should be performed.
  • Every job has a retention policy that is used to automatically delete old backups.


Is the history of every backup job.

  • View when the Job started, when it completed, and the results (Failed, Missed, or Completed).
  • View what was backed up, the total number of files, and the total size of all files.
  • Has links for downloading the backup.

CleverFox Backup Agent

Is a Windows Service that is installed on each Device. The CleverFox Backup Agent runs completely in the background, regardless if the user has logged on the PC.

  • Automatically updates itself when a new version is released.
  • Requires Microsoft VC++ 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
  • Can be installed on any hardware that runs Windows XP SP3 (or newer) or Windows Server 2003 SP2 (or newer).